- Bates
Parent Information
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PTA Officers:
Stephanie Johnson, President
Lisa Prince, Vice-President
Yasmeen Hardy, Treasurer
Luvna Colston, Secretary
Arika Charleston-Shorter, Sergeant At Arms
If you are interested in becoming a PTA member, please stop by room 61 and pick up an application. Your completed application can be dropped in the suggestion box by the main office. Membership is $10 annually.
Volunteer Clearance
Hello and thank you for your interest in volunteering as a Bates Academy Chaperone, Level II.
Please click the link below to schedule your LiveScan fingerprint appointment.
Link to schedule an appointment
If you have any further questions, please contact:
Detroit Public Schools Community District
Office of Risk Management
3011 W. Grand Blvd. 11th Floor
Detroit, MI 48202O (313) 870-4809
DPSCD Criminal Convictions/Background and Live Scan Unit or the Risk Management Department at (313) 748-6013
Thank you,
Bates Academy