- Bates
- School Dress Code
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School Dress Code
Bates Academy has elected to change the dress code for students for the 2023-2024 school year.
Please be advised of the consequences of being outside the dress code:
- Any student out of uniform/dress code will be sent to the office to contact a parent/guardian to bring in appropriate clothing. The student will not be allowed to return to class until he/she is in dress code.
- All violations of the dress code are Class I violations and will be logged and tracked by staff.
- Upon the second uniform violation, the student will receive a write-up for not following school rules. Please see the Student Code of Conduct for the consequences of receiving write-ups.
- Should a student continue to violate the dress code policy, more severe consequences will be imposed, as per the Student Code of Conduct.
Slacks and Pants
* Color: All slacks and pants must be a solid color: Khaki or Black.
* Style: NO LEGGINGS or JEGGINGS of any kind are allowed!!!!! Slacks and pants can be pleated or flat front, full length and appropriately fastened at the waist.
* Belts: If the garment has belt loops, a belt should be worn at all times
Grades K-2: Athletic gold/yellow shirts
Grades 3-5: Grey shirts
Grades 6-8: Black shirts
(White is only optional. The above colors are the main colors for those grade bands.)
* Shirts and blouses must have buttoned down or straight collars. Turtlenecks and polo styles are permitted. At the school’s discretion, tops must be worn tucked inside pants, slacks, or skirts.
* Color: All students shall wear approved colors required by the school
* Style: Long and short sleeves with a collar required. Turtlenecks and polo styles are permitted.
* Logos: Manufacturer trademarks, if any, must be one inch or less. DPSCD school logos are permitted and are not limited in size.
Skirts, Jumpers/Skorts, and Shorts
* Color: Khaki or Black, in a solid, single color.
* Style: Skirts, Jumpers/Skorts, and Shorts must be at least knee length. Please use the fingertip test with skirts and jumpers before sending your child to school.
Blazers, Cardigans, and Sweaters
* Color: Black, or white.
* Style: All must be worn over a collared shirt, turtleneck, or polo style top.
* Hooded Jacket: Must be solid black or Bates Mascot/Logo ONLY. Hoods are not to be worn (on the head) during the school day
(Please remember that classrooms are sometimes cold. ONLY the above items can be worn. Students will be asked to remove any item that IS NOT dress code.)
* Style: Athletic shoes, laced shoes and/or other shoe boots, loafers, dress shoes, or other closed-toed/closed-heel shoes.
* Students are prohibited from wearing open-toed boots or shoes to school. Crocs are not permitted at any time.
* Mules are inappropriate.
Bates Academy students who come to school dressed for success will develop a mindset that is conducive to improved behavior, higher learning and greater success.