Arrival/Dismissal Procedures

  • School Day

    Monday-Friday: 7:30 AM – 2:40 PM

    Students must follow the school day schedule, unless an extreme emergency exists. Parents and guardians should refrain from early dismissal. In case of student absence, please notify the attendance agent.

    Arrival time - 7:30 am

    Middle School / Main Building: Students arrive between 7:15 – 7:30 am. and report to the Auditorium. Students are dropped off on the Charleston side of the building and enter the school through those doors on that side.

    Elementary School / ELC Building: Students arrive between 7:15 – 7:30 am. and report to the Lunchroom for the universal breakfast program. Students are dropped off on the Charleston side of the building and enter the school through those doors on that side.

    Dismissal time - 2:40 pm

    Students are released from their 7th hour class to report to their in-school bus stations at 2:30 p.m. to go home. Students are escorted to their designated buses. 

    If they need to be picked up early parents have to come into the school and sign the student out. Parents must present a photo I.D. when requesting early release of any student.   

    Dismissal time- 2:35 pm Bus students only

    Early or Half Day Dismissal

    Students are released from their 4th-hour class at 10:40 a.m. to report to their in-school bus stations to go home. Lunch is provided on the half day schedule before dismissal.


    Please Note:

    • Students are not allowed to open the entry doors. 
    • Teachers line up students inside the classroom as dismissal time approaches.
    • Teachers will walk students out to the sidewalk for dismissal.

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