Arrival/Dismissal Procedures

  • High School


    • The Liberal Arts building opens at 7:45am for student access. 
    • Students who arrive earlier will gather in the vestibule of the Liberal Arts building.
    • Breakfast served in the cafeteria in the Liberal Arts Building at 7:45am
    • Breakfast will be served from 7:45am - 8:15am. 
    • Students arriving at or later than 8:15 am will report to class. 
    • Students are expected to be in class, seated, and ready to work by 8:30am.

    Late Arrival

    • Students must report directly to the office on the 1st floor.
    • Students who do not get a pass from the office and sign the late arrival log will remain marked absent in the system.


    • School ends at 3:40pm. Teachers should reserve the last 15 minutes of class for cleanup dismissal. 
    • Early student pick-up is not permitted after 3PM at the high school and 3:10 at the elementary school. 
    • Parent pick-up is on the concrete pad across from the Liberal Arts building.
    • All students will be directed to leave the building if they are not participating in an after-school program.
    • Students must be at their after-school club meeting, tutoring, or outside of the building by 4:00pm.

    Student Athlete Transportation

    • Student athletes will load the bus to Mumford High School at 3:20pm.
    • Game day transportation will be provided from Marygrove, coaches will inform pick up time

    After School Program Dismissal

    • After school, programs should begin cleaning up at 5:00pm.
    • All afterschool activities held at Marygrove end by 5:15pm. 
    • Staff sponsors should ensure that all students have transportation arranged.
    • Students should be escorted down to the main lobby by the programs staff sponsor.
    • Staff sponsors should ensure students do not venture off into other areas of the Liberal Arts building.



    • The Elementary (Immaculata building) opens at 8:15 for students.
    • Breakfast served in the cafeteria 8:15am
    • Breakfast will be served from 8:15am - 8:30am. Scholars who arrive after 8:30 am may still pick up breakfast on their way to class.  
    • Scholars arriving at or later than 8:30 am will report to class. 
    • Scholars are expected to be in class, seated, and ready to work by 8:30am.

    Late Arrival

    • Scholars arriving after 8:45 must be signed in in the main office and go directly to class. 


    • School ends at 3:40pm. Scholars will begin being dismissed at 3:30pm at their grade level door.
    • Early scholar pick-up is not permitted after 3:10pm. 
    • All scholars not picked up by 3:50pm will be taken to the Main Office for dismissal.

    After School Program Dismissal

    • All after-school activities held at the elementary building end by 5:00pm. 
    • Staff sponsors should ensure that all students have transportation arranged.
    • Scholars will be dismissed from the North door in the back parking lot for dismissal.