Phone: (313)849-5009


Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Stacey Daniels

Stacey Daniels is honored to embark upon her role as the Assistant Principal of Clippert Academy. Ms. Daniels has served DPSCD for 28 years teaching Pre-K through 6th grade and has enjoyed every teachable moment. Throughout her educational background, she has gained a wealth of experience in curriculum and leadership but is highly recognized for her organizational skills and planning productive programs to enhance achievement. Ms. Daniels possesses certifications in Elementary Education, Education Administration, and is a Doctoral Candidate for Leadership and Administration.  

Ms. Daniels is committed to providing a safe, caring, and supportive learning environment through establishing clear behavior expectations, teaching the expectations, and acknowledging students in their positive behavior. Our work will be based on our data with clear action plans. We will continue to deepen our understanding of the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts and in math. We will strive to educate the whole child. 

Our children are our future, and we want to nurture them, so they are prepared for whatever dreams they plan to achieve in life, whether continuing academic work in college, preparing to join the workforce in a career of their choosing and actively participating in the community with which they choose to live.