- Clippert
- Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
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Students should be dropped off at the front of the school near the blue doors. These doors open at 7:40am for students to enter. As they enter the building, students are expected to go directly to their first hour class. The school day starts at 8:00am.
Students that take the bus will be picked up from their stop between 7:25 and 7:30am. The pick-up locations are Bennett, Harms, and Roberto Clemente.
Late Arrivals-All students arriving after 8a.m. are considered late. Our Attendance Agent will make parent calls and send needed documentation to the district. Please remember, 3 tardies equals an absence, which will be added to the attendance records, causing students to fall into at-risk categories at times.
If a student arrives after 8:15 a.m., the student must report to the main office to retrieve a slip that represents excessive lateness. Students arriving after 8:15a.m. will not be allowed to enter class without the excessive slip.Los estudiantes deben dejarse en el frente de la escuela cerca de las puertas azules. Estas puertas se abren a las 7:40 am para que los estudiantes entren. Al entrar al edificio, se espera que los estudiantes vayan directamente a su clase de la primera hora. La jornada escolar comienza a las 8:00 am.
Los estudiantes que tomen el autobús serán recogidos de su parada entre las 7:25 y las 7:30 am. Los lugares de recogida son Bennett, Harms y Roberto Clemente.
Dismissal is at 2:52pm. Students should be picked up in front of the school along McKinstry street.
Students that take the bus will be dropped off at their stop from 3:00 to 3:10pm. The pick-up drop-off locations are Bennett, Harms, and Roberto Clemente.La salida es a las 2:52. Los estudiantes deben ser recogidos frente a la escuela a lo largo de la calle McKinstry.
Los estudiantes que tomen el autobús serán dejados en su parada de 3:00 p.m. a 3:10 p.m. Los lugares de recogida y entrega son Bennett, Harms y Roberto Clemente.