• Medical Services

    Ascension Michigan School-Based Health Centers are offering virtual medical and mental services to students. The medical services available are as follows: (COVID-19 symptoms, follow up visits, medication refills, rash, acne, allergies/ sinusitis/ URI, pediatric constipation, asthma refills, contact dermatitis, eye complaint, fever, influenza, pediatric gastroenteritis, headache, insect bites,nose bleeds, Otitis Externa, skin infection, and health education sessions). The mental health services provided are treatment for anxiety, trauma, grief, behavioral/mental health education, psychoeducation, mindfulness, coping skills, and depression.

    The services are available from 10am to 6pm, Monday through Friday. The Health Center will not provide care on site, at this time. Parents will need to provide verbal or written consent for services.

    You can access the service by calling 401-305-0396 or by emailing the Nurse Practitioner at enovwo.emekpe@ascension.org, or via telemedicine at https://doxy.me/ascensioncentraldurfee