- Durfee
- Overview

Our Academics & Electives
We draw upon the expertise of our educators and work together to create models of outstanding achievement in every classroom. Through implementing high-quality instructional materials and transforming the academic culture in our schools, we challenge and inspire our students to thrive in the world. With a wide variety of academics and enrichment opportunities aligned with state standards, we support students in unlocking their potential as they extend their skills and talents beyond the classroom. Our core curriculum includes:
- Bilingual Education - We are committed to English Language Development for students beginning in early childhood by implementing English literacy instructional frameworks that prepare families to become independent readers and writers in English.
- English Language Arts - We are committed to nurturing and developing a strong literacy foundation for all students in the early school years by implementing literacy instructional frameworks that prepare students to become independent readers and writers.
- Math - The mathematics curriculum seeks to ensure mathematical competence and confidence in students in mathematics-rich classroom environments.
- Science - Classroom experiences in science are connected to real-world phenomena and provide opportunities to engage in science and engineering practices through exposure to STEM-related career pathways.
- Social Studies - Students gain the content knowledge, intellectual skills, and core democratic values necessary for fulling their civic duties in a participatory democracy and effectively engaging in our global society.
- World Languages - Students develop effective communication in at least one world language other than English as well as cultural competence to help all our students become better-equipped global citizens.
Language Arts: (EL Education Curriculum): Lessons that engage teachers and students through interesting, real world content and builds fair and inclusive learning opportunities for all students.
Social Studies: Take a closer look at the United States, as they learn about politics, the history of westward expansion, our economy, the events leading to (and following) the Civil War, political science, geography, and notable American achievements. Social Studies Link: Michigan K-8 Content Expectations
Math (Eureka Math): connects math to the real world in ways that take the fear out of math and build student confidence—helping students achieve true understanding lesson by lesson and year after year. Math Link: MATH K-8 Eureka
Science: Lessons that aim to help children develop basic scientific ideas and understanding about the biological and physical aspects of the world. We also offer programs like robotics (introduction to engineering that involves the conception, design, manufacture, and operation of robots).
Physical Education: Our goal is to improve and maintain students' current health and set them on a path to maintain a healthy lifestyle throughout their lives. Links for Science Curriculum IQWST: Grades 6-8, CREATE for STEM: Grades 4-5 and 6-8, Mystery Science: Grades K-5
Music/Chimes: Learn to play an instrument, read music, musical notes, and be a part of a choir or chimes.
Computers/TeAch-nology Class: Students take computer classes at least twice a week and the curriculum is correlated through skills and projects that build upon those mastered in previous years. A school wide "Enrichment Program" is offered for one semester to students K-5. The Smart Board is used daily in all of the lessons through the building. Students in Grades 6 to 8 have an extended technology class. The enrichment and added time involves the cooperative and collaborative efforts of the technology integrator and the classroom and subject teachers.
Visual Arts Description: Students will be able to have developmental experiences with a variety of media, mediums, art-making methods, art history, and art criticism, both historical and contemporary, in order to engage in creating two/three dimensional works of art, which include drawing, painting, mixed media, collage, printmaking, and photography.Student Council: This is a group of students elected by their peers to address issues of concern and organize student events and activities.