Auxiliary Services

  • Ronald Brown Academy provides high-quality education for all students, including those with disabilities. All individuals with disabilities have the right to receive a free and appropriate public education (FAPE). We provide special education instruction and services in accordance with the Federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Students with disabilities are placed in the least restrictive environment that meets their needs. In addition to academic support for students with IEPs, these students may also need and have access to auxiliary services such as speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy and a school nurse. 


    Speech and Language Therapist

    • articulation
    • language
    • voice impairments
    • stuttering
    • swallowing
    • participate in IEPs

    Occupational Therapist

    • fine motor skills
    • gross motor skills
    • assessment, planning, and development
    • provide appropriate accommodations or interventions designed to enhance the students potential for learning
    • to help students function independently
    • participate in IEPs

    School Nurse

    • monitor students health and wellness daily
    • administer additional medical assistance to students with IEPs
    • treat minor scrapes and bruises
    • participate in IEPs

    Physical Therapist

    • adaptations
    • therapeutic interventions
    • functional mobility
    • screening, planning, interventions
    • participate in IEPs