• Program Design & Promotion

    Sharing Our Efforts to Close the Digital Divide

    Several community partners met in April 2020 to announce an initiative that would acquire 50,000 laptops and free internet connection for Detroit Public Schools Community District students. This undertaking was supported through spring and summer by a robust effort to communicate the availability of a soon-to-come online learning solution to our families and community.  Consistent messaging from our schools, website, social media platforms and to media organizations drove more than 44,000 students to having a device in hand for the first day of school.

    Getting the Word Out:  

  • Support Resources for Families

    Connected Futures Webpage

    DPSCD launched a webpage to support the dissemination of information around the Connected Futures initiative, device deployment plans, student eligibility, expected usage and socially-distanced pick-up procedures. As device deployments were completed, the space became a one-stop shop for families to learn how to get connected, receive technical support, troubleshoot the devices and get answers to their frequently asked questions at 13 newly launched Technology and Family Resource Hubs. 

    Page Resources Include:

    • Technology and Family Resource Hub Guidance: Communication for families to understand the technical support, meal program, utility assistance and medical screenings available to them 
    • Device Manual and Setup Tutorial: Tangible documentation that describes the Connected Futures program and how to use the device for learning
    • Online Learning Walk-Through Video: A multimedia resource to supplement communications on how to use the device for online learning as students prepared for the first day of school
    • Instructional How-to Videos: Content to support instructors who are at the forefront of assisting families adjusting to online learning  
    • Troubleshooting Instructions: Content created for instructors to direct families experiencing device issues during instructional time
    • Multilingual Assets: Instructions for device registration and answers to frequently asked questions around the initiative for non-English speaking families