Connected Futures and Technology and Family Resource Hubs
The COVID-19 pandemic called Detroit’s digital divide into stark relief. Detroit Public Schools Community District (DPSCD) along with the DTE Energy Foundation, Quicken Loans Community Fund, Skillman Foundation, Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation, General Motors and the Kellogg Foundation addressed a historical digital divide through the Connected Futures Project, by providing students with wireless tablets through a $23 million investment. This initiative enabled more than 44,000 DPSCD students and families to receive wireless tablets and internet access for in-home use in the summer of 2020, with a planned expansion to all new Kindergarten and 9th-grade students in the winter of 2021. These devices include subsidized LTE data for the full school year, immediately connecting students without wired internet connections at home, and are the property of the student and family.
Devices with internet connectivity are necessary for students to engage with online learning, but insufficient to support families facing technical and knowledge barriers as they used these new resources. Therefore, the District opened 13 Technology and Family Resource Hubs throughout the city. DPSCD provides direct resources to families, including digital device troubleshooting, repair, replacement, and online learning support. As of January 25, more than 10,000 visitors have used the Technology and Family Resources Hubs for technical support. All families also have access to broadband internet sign-up support, opening even more avenues for reliable connectivity for students.
Innovation in education is about more than just technology. It's about leveraging technology to foster lifelong learners who are agents of change. DPSCD believes that Connected Futures and the Technology and Family Resource Hubs have created the foundation for Detroit students, staff, and families to embark on that lifelong path as digital users and learners – and agents of change.
Who We Are
DPSCD’s vision is that all students will have the knowledge, skills, and confidence necessary to thrive in our city, our nation, and our world. Detroit Public Schools Community District (DPSCD) serves approximately 50,000 students ranging from pre-kindergarten through the 12th grade. In addition, the District provides adult education at a variety of facilities and a variety of specialized technical training programs for the higher-grade levels (9-12). The District encompasses an area of approximately 139 square miles and operates 106 schools, including elementary (K-5), combination (K-8), middle schools, high schools and technical center schools.
10,000+ People Supported at Technology and Family Resource Hubs
44,000+ Devices Deployed to Students and Families to Support First Day of School Readiness
100+ Community Partners Donated to Help Close a Historical Digital Divide
$23 Million Purchased Devices, Tech Support During Covid-19 Pandemic