• Guidance and Academics

    Our goal is to increase CTE program completion and provide post-secondary options to students who graduate high school. We have staff in place to assist our students in reaching their academic and career goals.


    Guidance and Counseling: Breithaupt’s Counseling Department is dedicated to supporting the needs of our students in each of the following areas:

    • Academic – we offer tutoring, transcript evaluation, and academic support to improve student achievement in preparation for program completion and high school graduation.
    • Social/Emotional – we offer counseling for individuals, groups, and classroom guidance sessions designed to educate and support students as they learn how to manage social or emotional stressors, communicate effectively with others, and advocate for themselves.
    • College & Career Readiness– we offer opportunities for students to complete interest inventories, college searches and applications, financial aid planning, career planning, and career exploration in order to enhance their post-secondary plans.


    Academic Interventionists: carryout the activities that support students in Reading, Math and Language in their technical programs.


    Exceptional Student Education (Special Education) Resource:  Provide assistance, assessment, accommodations, and modifications of assignments for ESE students.


    Bilingual Advocate: Supports Spanish speaking students and provides translation services to parents.

District Resources

  • Technology Help

  • Being bullied?

  • Discriminated against in school?

  • Homeless or in foster care?

  • No place to sleep tonight?