Arrival Procedures

  • Students are allowed to enter the school at 8:10 am. Students in grades 3rd-8th receive breakfast in the cafeteria during early entry. Students in grades Kindergarten- 2 wait in auditorium until 8:25 a.m. and are then escorted to cafeteria for breakfast with teachers. Teachers are expected to be on hall duty to monitor students 8:20 a.m. Exceptional Student Education Aides will pick up their bus students at the main entrance.

Three students standing outside of school.
Boys waiting with his mother.

Dismissal Procedures

  • It is expected that teachers will supervise students as they get their wraps from their lockers at the end of each day. At 3:35, the 8th period classroom teacher will escort his/her class to their lockers. After the students get their belongings from the locker, the teacher will line the class up and walk them down to their dismissal door. The teacher will remain with the class until the 3:40 p.m. bell rings. Siblings are to meet their younger siblings at their dismissal door. Bussed students are escorted to Rohns exits by support staff and will be dismissed at 3:40 p.m. Non-bussers are dismissed as follows:  K-2 exit to Georgia; 3-5 Door 1 and 6-8 exit Door 13 on Crane. Students not picked up on time are sent to the auditorium to be monitored by staff.