Academic Intervention

  • Academic Intervention is provided first by the classroom teacher in the form of differentiating instruction (modifying a lesson) so that students can understand it.  

    After-school tutoring is offered from January until May as a resource to assist our at-risk students. Regular academics and M-Step practice are offered to prepare and assist students in deeper learning.

    When academic intervention is needed beyond these resources, parents and teachers can recommend that students be discussed at a Resource Coordinating Team meeting, who may suggest other options for students.  The Resource Coordinating Team consists of many of our school's professionals such as the social worker, counselor, classroom teacher and anyone else that interacts with your child in a social or academic setting. 

     Academic Services:

    • Media Center
    • iReady
    • Tutoring
    • Resource Teachers
    • Academic Interventionist
    • Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) - through Ford Resource Educational Center FREC (313) 733-1240