School Dress Code

  • Fisher Magnet Upper Academy students are expected to participate in our school’s uniform policy daily.

    The DAILY uniform is as follows:


    • SHIRTS - Students in grade 6 must wear navy blue polo shirts (long or short sleeve) only. Students in grade 7 must wear white polo shirts (long or short sleeve) only.  Students in grade 8 must wear yellow polo shirts (long or short sleeve) only


    • BOTTOMS – Ladies and gentlemen must wear navy bottoms only with navy or black tights/socks only. NO LEGGINGS


    • SHOES - Students must wear black school shoes only, NO gym shoes. (Gym shoes may be brought for gym class)


    • TIES – Ladies must wear navy plaid cross ties only.  Gentlemen may wear navy plaid ties only.



    Student Dress Down Days:

    Students may be out of school uniform on school picture days if they are participating in picture day. Special days throughout the year may be designated as opportunities for students to wear school spirit shirts. These opportunities will be announced IN WRITING in a letter to parents/guardians, phone messages, and posted on the school’s website.


    Thank you for your support of the school.


     Dr. Green, Principal