• Band of Brothers is a group of men who met while playing morning basketball. One of the guys went on a limb and started a men's Bible study.  Thirty guys showed up and the Men's Christian Hoops Group was formed. Out of that experience, a subset of the group decided to do life together and they named themselves the Band of Brothers.  

    After years of Bible study, prayer, accountability, outreach, and the love and support of each other, they formed a nonprofit organization called the Band of Brothers Michigan.

    Band of Brothers have been partners at Detroit Lions Academy for more than 20 years. They come to the school once a month and mentor our young men.  They work with them on leadership, job skills, careers, and most importantly giving back to their community.  Every year they celebrate Thanksgiving with the entire school by providing a delicious meal.

    Our students benefit each year when they award two students with $500 scholarships upon high school completion.