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- Progress Reports
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Progress Report are Ready on PowerSchool!
This is the process to follow when:
· A parent would like to generate a report on-the-fly, such as an attendance letter.
· A parent would like to view archived reports, such as a report card or transcript.
· A parent would like to sign a report, if needed.
Viewing Student Reports
1. If you have multiple students, begin by selecting the student you would like to view reports for.
2. Then, from the home page of the parent portal, select Student Reports.
3. Click on the report you would like to view.
4. The report will open. From this screen you have the option to print.
5. When you are done viewing the report, click Return to PowerSchool
3. Click on the report you would like to view. You should select the Progress Report Cards option that matches your student’s grade level. If your son/daughter is in the 9thgrade, you will select Progress Report Card-Quarter 1-Grade9-2022/2023-CassTech
4. The report will open and you will have the option to print.