• Greetings DSA Families & Community,

    Welcome back!

    I'm excited about this coming school year! I am excited because of the amazing things we will all get to accomplish together.

    At DSA we are Loved, Challenged and Prepared! We give and receive Love and Respect; we accept the challenge to always do our best; we come to school prepared to learn, and leave DSA prepared to lead. Loved, Challenged, and Prepared is embedded in everything we do, including academics, arts, leadership, reading, writing, speaking, creating and performing.  Our team of teachers are some of the best in the nation. They hold state and national credentials some are state and national award recipients. They teach common core standards and college & career readiness in their respective fields. As a result, our students rise to the challenge of competing on the world stage as exemplary students in every subject. They are authors, choreographers, musicians, vocalists, graphic artists, film makers, theater managers, stage directors, producers, creators and innovators.

    At DSA, we expect our students to attend school every day, all day, every hour, and every class. We invite parents to join our Dad's Club to help serve as Hall Monitors and Positive Motivators to get students to class on time and stay in class the entire school day.

    This is a year of Acceleration! We will Recover, Restore, and Accelerate simultanteously! We will utilize reading, writing, listening, and speaking to build vocabulary and tools for students to discover truths, explore cultures from their own context and lens, and analyze the world around them to resolve problems creatively with compassion, understanding, and due diligence. Students will demonstrate these skills via portfolios, performances, authentic lessons and projects, and assessments. We will implement up-to-date content curriculum and align resources with fidelity.

    We look forward to embarking on this journey with each family of every student. We need each other to help our students achieve. We are here to support our students and help them become the best version of themselves.

    Welcome back! Let's get to work!

    Dr. Reynolds, Principal, DSA