- Neinas
- Attendance
Parent Information
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“On Time, Every Day, All Day”
Our goal at Neinas is to establish a clear policy regarding possible consequences that may occur if parents are not onboard with correcting chronic absences. Three (3) unexcused absences will trigger a call from a teacher or school staff to determine a reason of these absences. Six (6) unexcused absences will trigger a referral to the attendance agent who will work with community partners to help establish a reason for absence and services if needed. After nine (9) days of unexcused absences, the attendance agent, DHS Staff, and Wayne County, where there could be legal consequences and sanctions that can hinder the benefits that you receive from the state. Students with more than ten (10) unexcused absences during the school year are considered truant. I want to let you know if you can come to us, if you ever need our help or have a crisis that may affect your child’s attendance anyway, including being tardy (3 tardiness will add to 1 absence). As you know, a new code of conduct has come into effect this year and with your help, our DPS Social and our MIDHHS Worker and other agencies, we can work together to help with your family needs. Please, before you keep your child at home, look over our attendance policy and, if you are still unclear, call or come to the school so that we can help you with any concerns you may have.
Attendance Expectations
• Students are expected to attend all classes each day.
• Students are expected to be on time for each class during the school day.
• Students are to remain in school the entire school day.
• Students are expected to maintain a ninety-six percent (96%) attendance rate.
• The District complies with the Michigan Compulsory School Law, which states that all students between the ages of six (6) and sixteen (16) are to attend school during the entire school year.
• Notify the school regarding your child’s absence
• Send a note regarding the reason for the absence when your child returns to school.
• A note should be received within three (3) days of your child’s return to school.
• Make sure that all the make-up work is completed and returned to the teacher.
Excused Absences
Brief illnesses, appointments, and family business are considered absences for purposes of meeting attendance policy requirements. An absence will be considered an "excused absence" if a parent/guardian contacts the school, and provides a reason for the absence. The absence, as well as the reason for the absence, will then be documented in our attendance system. (A list of acceptable excuses can be found in the Code of Conduct, which can be found on the DPSCD website) Long-term absenteeism, including excused absences, may lead to the failure of a course, the necessity to repeat a course, the possibility of retention, and/or the filing of a truancy petition.