- Carleton
- Academic Games
Academic Games
Academic Games is a national organization where students participate in math competitions. It uses the game of Equations which requires a high level of computation and problem solving skills. The elementary level focuses on using operations (+ – x ÷ ^) and introduces concepts such as factors, multiples, fractions and percentages. Ms. Perkins leads the Carleton team and works with 3rd-5th graders to take them to a higher level of strategizing and analytical processing. In order to join the Carleton Academic Games Team, students must have a C or higher math average, a recommendation from their math teacher, and exemplary behavior.
Students who join the team are expected to attend weekly practices after school and all Saturday tournaments. Transportation is not provided by the school therefore parents are responsible for making arrangements for tournaments. If you need additional information, contact the school at 313-866-8322.
Monday & Tuesday, 2:45-4:30
Saturday Tournaments