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One Night Only 

The annual 4th Year Wax Museum project was a success at Edmonson late this fall. The upper elementary students took the challenge of creating a 6-foot display of facts and drawings of a famous person. While many of the people on display are deceased, some people are still alive today. Family, peers and staff members walked throughout the gallery taking pictures and listening to facts about each person. When a "button" was pushed, each wax figure came to life. As you walked from one end of the hall to the other side, you may have seen Abe Lincoln, Ann Frank, Lionel Messi, Micheal Jackson, Serena Williams, Harry Hundi, Peli, Sir Isaac Newton, Martin Luther King Jr., and Labron James. 

Students worked on this project for several weeks. To begin, they selected a person to research and present. Their research included early life and family history, what the person was famous for and odd facts about them. Next, the students sketched a portrait of their person along with scenes or objects related to them. Fifth and sixth year students assisted their fourth year peers with their posters. The Guides were very impressed with the collaboration among learners. 


 4th year wax museum and photos of historical figures in history