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Check Out Five Things You Need to Know This Week
School Spotlight of the Week – Breithaupt Career and Technical Center: Students interested in learning skills in the fields of Culinary, Cosmetology, Automotive, Welding and Mechatronics Breithaupt Career and Technical Center is the school for you. To learn more about DPSCD integrated Career and Technical curriculum click here. To enroll your child today, contact the school office at (313) 866-9550.
Student Spotlight – Congratulations to Junior Dominique Hubbard at Cody High School, whose artwork “Detroit Eyes” was selected by the Honorable Rashida Tlaib as the 2023 Winner for District 12. Ms. Hubbard’s artwork will be displayed at the US Capital. To view Ms. Hubbard’s art piece, click here.
We are #DPSCDProud of you!
Parent Academy Highlight –Supporting Students with Basic PowerSchool – Learn how to troubleshoot common PowerSchool issues students are facing. Join this session Wednesday, September 6, 2023, at 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. Click here to access the full list of free Parent Academy sessions happening this week. Link: https://bit.ly/SISParentPortal
ESE Parent Advisory Committee (PAC): DPSCD's Parent Advisory Committee's (PAC) mission is to empower parents, guardians, and grandparents of students with an active individualized education program (IEP) with knowledge as it relates to their participation in the special education process, delivery of services, and funding for schools. In addition, members will work with key stakeholders to make decisions and recommendations regarding compliance, parent and community involvement, and ongoing issues related to special education. Join us Wednesday, September 13, 2023, from 5:30 to 6:30.
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+1 313-462-2305 United States, Detroit (Toll)
Conference ID: 655 415 81#
September Expect Respect Character Trait is Responsibility: As part of our commitment to helping students build positive relationships, the Expect Respect program promotes healthy social interaction with peers and adults. Visit your child’s school to learn more about DPSCD Expect Respect activities and lessons taking place. Complete your I Pledge Card today!
Stay updated weekly, by visiting DPSCD's Family Newsletter, an updated weekly version is sent every Monday at 6 p.m. by SMS text and posted to the web: detroitk12.org/families Don’t miss a robo call/text -- If you opted out of receiving text messages but would like to receive them, please text START to "60680" from the phone line that has been opted out for non-emergency messages. Reply START to "54968" for emergency message