Office Procedures

  • Visitors

    All visitors, including volunteers, must check in at the Main Office to receive a visitors badge. All visitors must wear a visitor's badge. Visitors may not access the classroom during instructional time. Volunteers or parents must make arrangements with administration or a teacher 24 hours prior to gaining access to a classroom.

    Administration Meeting Policy

    Parents must make an appointment to see an Administrator. Visitor information and a message will be promptly delivered to the appropriate administrator upon request. Please include the students name, grade, and/or information needed, so the administrator can address your concern effectively. An administrator will respond to the messages within 24 hours. The classroom teacher must be the first point of contact for student-related issues. Administrator contact is as follows:

    • Mr. David Bailey- Principal
    • Ms. Lynnette Martin- Assistant Principal


    Phone Usage

    As a courtesy to others, please conclude all cell phone conversations upon entering the Main Office.



    A medication Administration form must be completed with the nurse in order to administer medication to students. Please speak with the nurse before sending any medication to school. Medication must have the pharmacy label complete with student's name, physician's name and expiration date.


    Request for Information

    All requests for information must be completed within 24-48 hours of receipt of request. Parents must complete a form when requesting information. Parents must contact the school before coming to the school to pick up information. Bates Academy reserves the right to refuse to provide information for non-custodial, biological, or all parties who are unable to provide proper credentials proving a relationship with the student.

    Copies of birth certificates and immunization records will not be provided and must be requested by a school or agency directly. 


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