• The Office of Culture and Cimate|Alternative Program aims to transform the culture as part of a comprehensive effort to build positive school climate and culture on school grounds and in the area around school zones.


    Gather, share and act on feedback from students, staff, and families on the culture of our schools and district.

    Establish and consistently implement a code of conduct that encourages positive behavior, maximizes instructional time for all students, and allows for restorative justice.

    Cultivate a school-going culture that dramatically reduces chronic absenteeism in our district.

    Develop and provide, in partnership with community allies, comprehensive supports and resources that empower our students’ families.

    Build and implement shared decision-making structures to ensure the work of our schools and district meets the needs of our constituents.

    Implement consistent communication channels that keep all stakeholders informed about the district’s operations, strategic direction, programs and opportunities, and progress.

    DPSCD campus safety continues to improve with reported incidents down 21 percent in conjunction with new districtwide launch of climate and culture program|alternative programs.

    Districtwide Implementation Program


    The districtwide implementation of Restorative Practices in every school as part of a comprehensive effort to build positive school climate and culture on school grounds and in the area around school zones. The benefits of Restorative Practices can build a positive school climate and culture by establishing better relationships, a sense of community and a way to repair harm.

    The United States Department of Education and the Michigan Department of Education recommended Restorative Practices and Positive Behavior Intervention Supports to assist schools in achieving social discipline and improving school climate, culture and student achievement by:

    • Reducing crime, violence and bullying
    • Improving behavior
    • Improving leadership
    • Restoring relationships
    • Repairing harm

    Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS) and Michigan Integrated Behavior and Support Initiative (MiBlSI) are two additional models that have been and will continue to be implemented throughout the district.