Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

  • Morning Drop-Off

    During this time, it is important to be especially mindful of children who may run into the street or not watching what they are doing.  During this time, please adhere to the guidelines listed below.

    For the safety of our students:

    • The school will open at 7:15 a.m. Classes will begin at 7:30 a.m. Students should not arrive on campus before 7:15 a.m. If students arrive before the doors open, they should wait outside the door.  
    • After entering the building, students will go through a security screening.
    • After going through security all students will eat breakfast in the lunchroom until 7:45.
    • If a student is late, students should come into the office for a pass to class.

    After School Dismissal/Pick-Up

    • School dismissal is at 2:40 p.m.
    • Be sure to inform your child where you will be parked.
    • For early dismissal, sign students out at the office.
    • Students will be dismissed from the main office.
    • Vehicles are not allowed in the bus zone.


    • Visitors MUST report to the office to sign in and receive a visitor’s pass for each visit.   

    Visitors must check out when leaving

    • Please make an appointment to meet with teachers to discuss individual student concerns or request to meet with an administrator.
    • Teachers are not able to meet during the school day without a scheduled appointment.  If your concern is of an urgent matter, please see an administrator.  
    • To refrain from instructional disruptions, parents are asked not to go to the classroom to speak with their child. If you need to speak to your child, he/she will be called to the office.