
      • Ms. Sandra Brownlee

        Liquid hand soap
        Facial tissue
        1 pair of Headphones
        1 Water Bottle for Hydration Station
        1 Backpack (no wheels)

        1 pair of emergency clothes (school uniform, underwear and socks)

        Please label clothing in a gallon Ziploc bag

      1st Grade

      • Mrs. Andrea Henson


        1 box 24 crayons


        1 Box of Washable Markers

        Glue Sticks

        2 Primary Composition Notebooks

        1 pair of Headphones for Online Lessons and Assessments

        1 Water Bottle

        Backpack (NO WHEELS)


        Donations for Classroom:

        Kleenex Tissue

        Clorox Wipes

        Dry Erase Markers


      2nd Grade

      • Mrs. Angela Murphy


        For the Classroom to Share

        Antibacterial wipes


        Ziplock Bags (sandwich and gallon)

        Your Child Needs

        Headphones (no earbuds)

        2 black dry erase markers

        One "fun" folder (no prongs)

        One yellow folder (no prongs)

        Black spiral notebook

        1 bos of 24 pack of (crayola) crayons



      3rd Grade

      • Mrs. Kimberly Pearson



         1 pair of Headphones/earbuds

         1-1 inch three ring binder

         4-Plastic two pocket folders with prongs

         4-Composition books (wide ruled)

         1-Pack of wide ruled notebook paper

         6-Glue sticks

         2-Packs of pencil top erasers

         1-Large eraser


         2-boxes of Kleenex

         1-Pack of highlighters (preferably yellow)

         1-Boxes of 24 crayons

         1-Pack of colored pencils

         1-Plastic pencil box

         1-Water Bottle


      4th Grade

      • Mrs. Kristin Friess, Mathematics Master Teacher

         4th and 5th Grade Math/Science School Supply List


        EXPO Dry Erase Markers/ Dry Eraser(s) 

        Composition Notebooks (1 for math and 2 for science)

        Pencils, erasers, crayons/coloring pencils, pencil box or pouch

        Folder for School/Class Communications

        1-pair of Headphones

        1-Water Bottle


        Optional: Kleenex, disinfectant wipes and hand soap

      5th Grade

      • 4th and 5th Grade Required

        Mrs. Adriane Robinson-Blair


        Headphones (for computers) should remain at school in a labled plastic ziploc bag (may need replacing through the year)

        Combination lock for lockers (combination must be given to the teacher) Grade 5

        Sharpened pencils - Daily


        Pencil sharpener

        8 spiral notebooks (per semester/per subject - 2X) - (ELA, Social Studies and Daily Bellwork).  Each notebook should  be a different color, labeled with name and subject. 

        2 composition notebooks

        Dry erase markers – with own eraser/ as needed throughout the year


        Plastic Pencil Case 

        glue sticks, colored pencils, crayons, markers

        Mechanical Pencils suggested (avoid pencil shavings/sharpening)

        Package of Dry Erase Markers (for classroom paddle boards)

        Pencil boxes are NOT permitted


        Suggested Class Donations - used daily to keep everyone healthy


        Lysol disinfectant wipes (used to wipe tables/equipment daily)

        Lysol spray

        Hand Sanitizer

        Liquid Hand Soap

        Masks (if desired for your child)