Guidance and Academics

  • Counselors are available to help students determine educational programs, meet emotional needs, develop a positive self-image and work toward a career choice and preparations. 

    ELA and Math Integration Specialist assess and tutor’ small groups of students or individuals in reading and/or mathematic skills needed to successfully complete the academic rigors of Career Technical Education and Core Curriculum.

    Work-based Learning Coordinator provides information on career opportunities and requirements, additionally he/she identifies and refers students to placement opportunities consistent with their skills, needs and interests. Students will create a resume and learn 21st Century employability skills needed to be succesful in obtaining and maintaining employment.

    Special Education Consultant work with our students who have identified special needs and may have special problems.  The consultant works with the home school teacher, counselors and parents in ensuring that our young people are successful her at Randolph.  Additionally, the consultant works closely with other members of the Randolph support staff in making sure our students who need the extra support, get it.