• The PowerSchool parent portal provides parents with direct access to student data via the Internet. Using a confidential ID number and password provided by their child's school, parents can create their own PowerSchool account using a web browser or the PowerSchool app and view their child’s data, such as progress reports, attendance records, report cards, transcripts and more. During account creation, parents can create their own unique username and password. The credentials listed on the form from the school will link the student to their parent's account.

      To log on to ParentPortal:

      1. Open the URL: http://detroitk12.powerschool.com/public

      2. Enter Username and Password, click “Log In”

      The first time you login to the PowerSchool app for your phone or tablet, you will be asked to enter the District's unique four digit code: PSNW

      If you have not been issued a Username or Password, or are facing challenges with your password, please contact your school for the required login information.