• Thank you for your interest in attending Chrysler Elementary.  Please be aware that all Chrysler Superstars and families must meet the below criteria to remain in good standing to be continuously enrolled at our school. 


    Good attendance is the strongest indicator of student success.  As such, Chrysler Elementary Superstars are required to maintain an attendance rate of 95% or above.  This equates to less than nine absences for the school year, or roughly one per month.   


    All Chrysler Elementary Superstars in grades 3-5 are required to maintain a GPA of 2.5 or above.  Failure to maintain this GPA will result in the Superstar being placed on academic probation and may lead to dismissal from our program.  Superstars in grades K-2 must place within one grade level of proficiency on the I-Ready interim assessment, or risk also being placed on academic probation.  Any student placed on academic probation will be given adequate time and support to make necessary gains toward the required GPA or I-Ready score. 


    Behavior is a cornerstone to a great education. Per the DPSCD Code of Conduct, behavior infractions have been assigned a point value to guide schools. A Chrysler Elementary Superstar is expected to maintain a high level of integrity and behavior. A Chrysler Elementary Superstar who earns 6 points will be referred to Tier 2 Behavior Interventions in an attempt to guide the Superstars toward acceptable behavior. A Superstar who earns 2 more points (for a total of 8 points) will be referred to Tier 3 Behavior Interventions as a final chance to allow the Superstar to move toward acceptable behavior. A Superstar who earns 10 points total can be dismissed from Chrysler Elementary. All other DPSCD Code of Conduct guidelines will be followed. 

    Parent Involvement: 

    Home-School collaboration is essential for student success. This partnership will require parents to volunteer 20 hours per school year. There are many activities that parents can volunteer for in our school community, such as: Chaperoning, Fundraisers, PTA meeting, School Advisory Council, School Improvement Team, Materials Preparation, Etc. In order to volunteer, all parents must complete a background check within DPSCD. 

    Parents are also expected to attend and participate in the following: 

    • Orientations 
    • Curriculum Nights/ Open Houses
    • Attend Parent Teacher Conferences
    • Check Class Dojo daily
    • Check Power School weekly

    There is a lot of information available in the resouce links on this page that will be helpful for parents and students.  Just click on the link for additional information.

    Parent Academy: https://www.detroitk12.org/resources/parents/parent_academy

    On Line Learning: https://www.detroitk12.org/onlinelearning