Community Based Instruction

  • Community-Based Instruction is for special education students who need functional instruction and life skills. It is a vital instructional tool for some students in the secondary transition years. This instruction occurs in community environments and provides students real-life experiences. The goal is to provide a variety of hands-on learning opportunities that will allow special education students to practice essential skills. It will also determine the need for further instruction. All activities in the community support post-secondary education, employment, life skills, and independent living goals.

    When instruction in the natural environment, students with special needs progress at a greater rate. CBI provides natural opportunities for students to practice independent living skills. Concepts and skills from the classroom are practised in natural environments. CBI experiences allow students to see, hear, smell, and do things in real-life settings. Experience in the natural environment is reinforcing and assists in maintaining the relevance of lessons taught.

    Services include consultation: considering safety issues for instructing in community environments.

    Developing objectives that correspond to IEP goals

    Analyzing locations for safety features and instructional opportunities

    Incorporating public transit and travel skills into trips

    Implementing activities that prepare students for community activities