- Contact the School
Contact the School
6501 West Outer Drive
Detroit, Michigan 48234
Telephone: 313.651.2400/Facimile: 313.651.2401
Communication Meeting Request
We would like to communicate a few updates that will assist with efficiency involving communication, requesting meetings with the Principal or Assistant Principal, and calling the front desk. Our goal is to make every scholar, parent, and visitor feel noticed, welcomed, and valued. All visitors to the building must sign in and report to the main office.
In coming telephone calls:
Our highest call volume is between 7:45 am -9:00 am and 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm. We understand that you want to deliver a message to your scholar or contact us in the event of an emergency. However, our clerical staff may be on the line supporting families. However, your call is important to us, so you can hang up and call us back or contact one of our clerical staff via email, and they will respond at their earliest convenience.
Communication Methods and Requests:
We will communicate through https://www.detroitk12.org/flics, Email, and RoboCaller. Teachers will also communicate through ClassDojo. Please ensure that your information is updated in Power School and that you have access to all platforms of communication. If you need to update your information, please visit the Main Office.
Principal or Assistant Principal Request: We recognize that you have concerns that you want to address with the Administration. We want to ensure that your voice is heard, please take time to make an appointment during our office hours. (Please check the website for Office Hours)
Teacher meeting request: Teacher communication is not facilitated through the Main Office. FLICS teachers use ClassDojo when communicating with families. You can contact them through that platform or via email to request a meeting