Arrival /Dismissal Procedures

  • Bus  

    Attendance Matters!  Please make sure to send your child/children to school daily!

    The school day begins at 8:30 am and ends at 3:40 pm.

    Doors open as early as 8:15 for breakfast. Breakfast is served daily from 8:15-8:30 am.

    Please do not leave students unattended prior to 8:15 as there is no one outside to supervise them. The doors open at 8:15 am for breakfast.

    As an added safety precaution, Gardner students participate in the Kiss-and-Drop policy. This means that parents kiss and hug their students at the main entrance door and allow students to enter the building and walk to the lunchroom independently.  

    Kindergartners are dismissed out of door number two (2) on Mansfield Street.

    First and second-graders are dismissed from door number one (1) at the main entrance on Mansfield Street.

    Third-graders are dismissed from door number seven (7) near the large playground with the basketball court.

    Fourth and fifth graders are dismissed from door number four (4) on Whitlock Street.

    We ask any parent or guardian that wishes to pick their student up early to report to the main office to sign them out.

    For early dismissal, we ask that parents arrive before 3:15. Students will be called down to the office prepared to go home.

    After 3:15, parents have to wait outside until dismissal at 3:40. 

    Parents that arrive late must report to the main office to sign out the child/children.