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Annual Kwanzaa Celebration


Habari Gani is a Swahili term that means, "What's the news" or "What's the Word?". During the 7 days of Kwanzaa celebrations (December 26th-January 1st), Habari Gani is a question posed every day in a call and response. The answer for each day is one of the Nguzo Saba, the 7 principles of Kwanzaa. At Marcus Garvey Academy, we infuse the 7 Principles of Kwanzaa in daily instruction. We also have an annual Kwanzaa Celebration where the students display one of the Nguzo Saba Principles through song, dance, or speech.


African DrummersAfrican DancersStudents dancing  Students reciting a speechStudents singing with teacherStudents singingStudents singingStudents singing