• Student Code of Conduct / Expect Respect Initiative / (P.B.I.S.)

    To ensure that all our parents have access to the district’s Student Code of Conduct, Expect Respect Initiative & our P.B.I.S. Program, we have listed these links below for easy access. Please review these documents to ensure that you are aware of what is expected of your child. Also, we have listed below some critical school-wide procedures & policies essential to the safety of our students, staff, & parents. All these links and school-wide procedures and policies will also be listed on our school website at www.detroitk12.org/davison. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at our main office at 313-252-3118.

    Listed below are the following links to the district’s Student Code of Conduct, Expect Respect Initiative & P.B.I.S. Program that are at the heart of the culture and climate at Davison. 


    Student Code of Conduct – https://www.detroitk12.org/Page/7755 

    Expect Respect Initiative – https://www.detroitk12.org/Page/10477

    P.B.I.S. - https://www.pbisrewards.com/blog/what-is-pbis/